Born 7.29.21
6 puppies (3 males, 3 females)
Sold from CO
Born 7.29.21
6 puppies (3 males, 3 females)
Sold from CO
Legacy is a class clown, that loves to play, chase her tennis ball and goof off. She tends to smile before pulling one of her famous Stunts. She is a higher energy girl, but loves to lounge with the best of them. Kato is a rock solid boy where ever he goes. He has done fantastic in the show ring and continues to impress the judge with each show he attends. With this litter we will see plush only coats with a variety of shades of Gray sables and Duals. All the duals will carry the black recessive from their mom, Legacy.
This litter will be co-bred with Legacy Shilohs, half of them will be sold through Echo Shilohs and the other half, Legacy Shilohs. All puppies will be sold and picked up in Colorado
This litter will be co-bred with Legacy Shilohs, half of them will be sold through Echo Shilohs and the other half, Legacy Shilohs. All puppies will be sold and picked up in Colorado